
A comprehensive review of the brand through corporate interviews, workshops, competitor research and trend analysis to improve efficiency of execution, enhance corporate coherence, identify potential problems and explore brand development strategies.




I 企業探訪 Visiting Corporate
  – 企業深度訪談 In-depth Interview
  – 商業模式聚焦 Business Model
  – 組織共識 Consensus Within Organisation

II 品牌資產檢視 Reviewing Brand Assets
  – 行銷溝通 Marketing Communication
  – 視覺溝通 Visual Communication
  – 品牌內化 Brand Internalisation

III 消費者研究 Consumer Research
  – 客戶資料分析 Customer Data Analysis
  – 焦點訪談 Focused Interview
  – 線上問卷調查 Online Survey

IV 市場研究 Market Research
  – 競爭者分析 Competitor Analysis
  – 產業趨勢分析 Industry Trends
  – 市場區隔 Market Segmentation



Re-organise the brand and examine cross-industry research data, construct a differentiated market positioning strategy, create a unique and impressive story for the brand, and implement a series of strategies and measures in a consumer-friendly way.




I 品牌定位策略 Brand Positioning
  – 建立願景價值 Brand Value
  – 挖掘企業DNA Corporate Culture
  – 市場與消費者 Market & Consumer

II 品牌溝通策略 Communication Strategy
  – 品牌宣言 Vision Statement
  – 中英文名命名 Brand Name
  – 品牌故事撰寫 Brand Story

III 品牌架構表 Brand Structure
  – 產品層級分類 Hierarchical Classification
  – 產品系列命名 Product Naming
  – 產品特色建議 Product Features

IV 品牌方針運用 Policy Application
  – 品牌視覺風格 Visual Style
  – 行銷溝通準則 Marketing Communication Guidelines
  – 行銷媒體建議 Media Recommendations



Even the best story needs a good set of powerful visual aids to inspire the audience. We offer a variety of one-stop visual design services to help maintain brand consistency, including corporate identity development, commercial space planning, website design, photography and video production.



I 品牌識別系統 Corporate Identity
  – 商標設計與規範 Logo & Grid
  – 基本應用設計 Basic Application Design
  – 企業紀念品 Corporate Gifts

II 設計延展 Visual System
  – 包裝設計 Packaging
  – 形象海報設計 Brand Poster
  – 展場設計 Exhibition Design
  – 其他 Others

III 品牌溝通設計 Visual Communication
  – 視覺創意拍攝 Creative Photography
  – 品牌網站 Website
  – 形象影片 Promotion Video

IV 商業空間規劃
  – 品牌視覺應用 Visual Application
  – 室內空間設計 Interior Design
  – 裝潢施工整合



Effectively communicating brand value is crucial to any business’s success. In addition to helping companies to work on brand internalisation to ensure all employees can fit in the role of a brand ambassador, we also establish marketing goals and initiate continuous communication with customers.



I 品牌規範 Guideline
  – 品牌規範手冊 CIS Booklet
  – 代理商簡要 Agencies

II 品牌內化 Brand Internalisation
  – 品牌導入 Introducing Brand
  – 品牌教育訓練 Training
  – 品牌定期顧問 Regular Consultation

III 行銷傳播計畫 Marketing Communication
  – 年度行銷企劃 Yearly Plan
  – 行銷媒體購買 Marketing Media
  – 行銷素材製作 Production of Materials

IV 銷售應用 Sales Application
  – 店面空間應用 In-store Space
  – 電子商店展示 Online Store
  – 跨境電商銷售 Cross-border E-commerce