


See You is a bar & restaurant from Taipei that serving up Hong Kong fusion food.The design concept is base on the ‘creator’s mindset’. There are four floors that each floor represents different states including begin, struggle, contradict and achieve. Customers can get into a different atmosphere on each floor as the diverse materials and colours help to create the mood. The teal colour provides an elegant tone and manner while the yellow and pink give an interesting highlight.


樓上見是位於台北的港式餐酒館,主打創新中菜, 同時亦作展覽及文化交流之用。設計藍本圍繞著’創作者的心態’,四個樓層分別代表:開端、掙扎、矛盾和實現。巧妙運用了各種物料和顏色,令顧客每上一層都能看到不同的面貌,呼應主題。餐廳以藍綠色作主色調,配以明亮的黃和粉紅佢作點綴,配合富玩味的插畫有別於一般餐酒館的沉實,增添活力和趣味。


樓上見 See You